Lesson 22
Shri Chattari Mangalam

Chaťťaa-ri Manga-lam
the four pieties are
Arihanťaa Manga-lam
Arihant Devas are pious
Siddhaa Manga-lam
Siddhas are pious
Saahu Manga-lam
Saints (sadhu-sadhvi) are pious

Kevali Pannaťo Dhammo Mangalam

religion professed by Kevali is pious

Chaťťaa-ri Logu-ťťamaa
there are four excellences
Arihanťaa Logu-ťťamaa
Arihant Devas are excellent
Siddhaa Logu-ťťamaa
Siddhas are excellent
Saahu Logu-ťťamaa
Saints (sadhu-sadhvi) are excellent
Kevali Pannoťa Dhammo Logu-ťťamaa
religion professed by Kevali is excellent
Chaťťaari Shar-ńam Pavaj-jaami
I accept the protective refuge of these four
Arihanťe Shar-ńam Pavaj-jaami
of arihant
Siddhe Shar-ńam Pavaj-jaami
of Siddha
Sahu Shar-ńam Pavaj-jaami
of saints
Kevali Panna-ťam Dham-mam Shar-ńam Pavaaj-jami
of the religion professed by kevali

a chaar mangaĺ , chaar uťťam, chaar sharńa, kare jeh
bhav saagar ma ťarshe ťeh, sakaĺ karma no aańe anť, moksh
ť ańa sukh lahe ananť, bhav dhari ne je guń gaay, ťe
jiv ťari ne mokshe jaay. sansaar maahi sharńaa chaar,
avar na sharańu koi je nar naari aaďare, ťene akshay
avichaĺ paď hoy, anguthe amruť vase, labdhi ťańaa bhandaar,
guru gauťam ne samri-e, man-vaanchhiť faĺ daaťaar.

bhaave bhaav-naa bhaavi-e, bhaave dije daan
bhaave dharma aaraa-dhiye, bhaave kevaĺ gyaan

Those who accept these four pieties, four excellences and the four refuges, will cross the ocean of life and end all the Karmas.
Endless happiness of Moksha is obtained, to him who sings their praises faithfully, such beings attain Moksha.
In this world four are the refuges and none else, he who solicits the shelter of these refuges, attains imperishable permanent status.
Nectar dwells at his thumb, is a tresure of powers par excellence, we remember such Guru Gautam who always fulfils our wishes.

Sincere donations, we give
Sincerely we practice religion
Thus we shall attain Omniscience by inner purity.

The four pieties, the four excellences, the four protective refuges are :
Arihant Devas
Saints (sadhu-sadhvi)
Religion professed by Kevali.
Those who aacept these four pieties, four excellences, four refuges, will cross the ocean of life and end all Karmas.
Endless happiness of Moksha is obtained, to him who sings their praises faithfully, such beings attain Moksha.
In this world, four are the refuges and none else, he who solicits the refuge of these, attains imperishable permanent status.
Nectar dwells at his thumb, he is a treasure of powers par excellence, we remember such Guru Gautam who always fulfils our wishes.
Sincere auspicious wishes, we wish
Sincere donations, we give
Sincerely we practice religion
Thus we shall attain omniscience by Inner purity.
